Contact Abby!



  • Great question! And, nope. LoveWell is a separate business from my therapy practice. Within LoveWell, I provide relationship coaching for couples and individuals.

  • Coaching is typically focused on the present and future (versus the past, as is often true in therapy) and is action-oriented. Coaching is not intended to treat mental health conditions or treat serious relationship concerns such as abuse, infidelity, or disconnection so severe that a couple has lost warm feelings for each other. if you are seeking individual or couples therapy, check out

  • You can get on the waitlist for the Missing Us couples coaching program, which will launch later in 2022. You can also get on the waitlist for private couples coaching here:

  • Love this question. I created Lovewell because I wanted more people to have the kind of relationships that I believe make life rich and meaningful. Not everyone needs therapy - so I wanted to create a space where more people outside of my therapy practice could work on their relationships and feel more connected, secure, and satisfied.